@JohnHereToHelp Interview Transcribed with Timestamps 


welcome to today we're kind of jumped on the hello John yeah you guys will pray 
with me pray for you lord thank you for bringing us all together we're very 
grateful for people like John that are brave enough to come forward and report 
misconduct at great risk to their own person there's a special place in our 
Lord's heart for whistleblowers as he was the first one that came to bring us 
the light in the truth please open our hearts and let us listen 
and research the information that John is going to bring forward to protect not 
only our government our president but the world Sanna rewards in action we are all here 
to help you spread the truth in your name father we pray he's a government 
insider and rather than by going through this introduction of what I've learned 
about him I'm just going to go ahead and thank you 

thanks everyone here and I'd like to say thank you especially for everyone 
who's offered prayers online it means a great deal where to start I have 
a bit of an unusual background it's not unusual for my family but out of the 
ordinary been good at math sciences Oh life skipped a bunch of grades skipped high 
school went to college early grad scored early and I come from a mostly military 
family and government employees politicians things like that so it 
wasn't hard to get noticed and I'm not that old but I'm old enough to go around 
before the computers are around so the government was still looking for people
who were good at things and they could put them to work so I started doing 
encryption algorithms basic things to time not let him to satellite work and 
while I was in college grad school and then afterwards I went in the military.

I was in the Army for 13 years it was all in the SF community I won't narrow down 
any more than that right now and of course throughout then I was still 
consulting although the time tables didn't match up always and stokin so 
he's still involved with different aspects of the intelligence community
because of my past work I still maintained all my clearances and even 
picked up some others that led into after the military the civilian side of
intelligence and coming up into the late 90s when I was leaving military 
government type of work I answer and became ordained sometimes had since I was a 
child not being very honest about it 


I had a coin since I was very very little and I thought as I was growing up 
it's naughty over smart teenager that I did enough bad stuff it was the voice in 
my head would stop and it just got stronger but uh I've actually smartened 
up an anthemic line and everything was going very well and this would be about 
2000 at this point and then the car is September 11th which changed not only my 
world but everyone's so I was still consulting on various projects and still 
maintain the clearances so we were going along and we're going along like that 
and then in 2005 I met someone very nice gentleman very smart 


it's a physician and it was from Egypt I'm certainly Muslim but he was absolutely 
anti-violent he thought it was just the height of cowardice and rudeness to go 
to a new country he came here and to stab him in the back when they've opened 
themselves up to you so he fought against that and having had connections 
in the past from my government work and connections to the Muslim community back 
then his off with him and then after very short about time because he was 
very impressed found out that he was connected to the very highest levels of 
certain terrorist organizations not he was a terrorist but that he was born to 
it he his neighbor in other mentions name his neighbor in Egypt he grew up 
with was Ayman al-zawahiri the Osama bin Laden's right-hand man the guy 
with the white beard you see on all the videos what there's a lot now they grew 
up together high school together college medical school 


they actually started in separate medical schools but avens father was a professor 
who taught him and then they got together for graduate school that's held once they 
knew each other he was a member by birth of the Muslim Brotherhood he was his family he 
was a family member or not fact number two but right at the very beginning of 
agama Ellis Lamia which is a terrorist organization now but the time as a 
radical student organization as how far back he goes and he joined it in college 
and actually some of the sex did some violence and the cost of his surgical 
career he had to leave school at the same time hidden names had left he came 
here and even announced our hearing with overseas to get away from it but it 
seems a physician but it did cost in that and he pours the violence I don't 
discuss children at all but he would not even raise his children in that faith 
because he importance too much anyway because I knew him and because of my 
previous background and connections in the community I was accepted by him and 
many of his friends who turned out to be at the very highest levels on the 
terrace emerge throughout the world 


I have personally spoken more than once with havens Alighieri this is prior to 
2016 and those are documented the FBI has them so nothing nothing you know 
behind the scenes there I've also spoken to Homs of Islam who was Osama bin 
Laden's eldest surviving son and he was recently killed and he was actually 
going to be the new head of the resurgent al-qaeda server this gentleman had yeah 
al-qaeda's making a comeback as soon as Isis was gone they intend to establish 
themselves again they might say he was at the very top by birth these people 
and there's a huge network in this country hello overseas certainly but in this country 
as well of people who are varying degrees of violent but they support it 
some of them are very public people you know and it's all very behind-the-scenes 


there are certain mosques that are extremely violent funnel money into them 
there are thousands thousand people who generate income for them this way and 
supply directly through these different groups through various fronts ready so 
with his information because he did not like the violent stuff I started 
supplying information that I learned from this relationship to my local law 
enforcement at the time and then after that I supply they would disseminate it 
to various federal agencies because all I was going across state lines with 
weapons explosives things like that cigarettes and starting around 2007 I 
started to really delivering the information directly to the DOJ in Baltimore 
in 2008 I started dealing directly with the roser side in Baltimore now from 
approximately 2006 until this time my information was getting to John brother 
lessons prior to the CIA director course and probably 

right right for homeland security 


director so he was getting it but not directly at that time so they liked the 
information they did not have anyone with that level at the very top it was 
dangerous they made that very clear and they made clear I didn't have to but 
they were extremely grateful for it and at the time of course right after 
September 11th. I felt it was my duty I worked in defense my entire life and so this is 
what came to be then I was going to protect the country this way so I did 
this and I said to the voices various people like the deep state and 
everything was going fine I testified most often secretly or by deposition by 
remote video in different terrorist cases and those people are in prison we 
stopped we stopped quite a bit of stuff there there dozens of those cases 
there's more than once where my wife and I have had to go into protection because 
our death threats are still are but and she didn't like this but this was our duty 


I mean this is to save lives it did so we were going along like this until 2009 
that's what things changed things changed and what changed was Obama was 
elected the entire focus left the terrorists of Muslim terrorists and went 
to white terrorism he couldn't say anything bad now as I knew for a fact 
there are some very good Muslims out there they're very good people who 
happen to be Muslim like my doctor friend his brother is my current contact 
and extremely violent I'm also happy more about that but he is very proud to 
be at the top of that my own stuff but there are creepy but I have right now on 
my phone my wife and I went out to get something to eat it was one of days I thought I could eat 
there was a homeless couple white couple and they were obviously own drugstores 
all over him it was a guy who's buying him lunch he was Muslim he's standing 
and we talked a bit and you couldn't even tell by looking at me but then he 
got their food gave it to them he got his food and walked over and his wife is 
over there she's wearing the burqa and there's his father his father was 
Iranian in a wheelchair  


I spoke with him a little bit here he's tell me about 
this you know what it was like before this horrible you know religious 
whatever so really nice couple so there are a lot of people like that I want to 
say they're all terrorists or not I have contacts I'm not gonna elaborate with in 
Iran who are fighting within the system that's all I'm on the side because they 
don't like the government there so everything changed in 2009 here's what's 
going to get bad because of the focus was changed the focus was changed to 
what they returned mean white terrorism war sovereign citizen terrorism and 
there was quite a bit while was legitimate I worked on those cases as 
well because they would cross it over especially with weapons and things but a 
case came up where they were funding stuff with drugs weapons to get this was 
a big one I want to expose it but it was very highly placed it's very highly 
connected so I reported it like normal to well Obama shut it down they came 
after me and my wife they arrested us what we were arrested 


no I was arrested going to work she was arrested our home by two giant 
car one picked her up now she was a very petite picked her up to her against the 
wall where she couldn't get out for about an hour then they cuffed her 
laying there and left her there for several hours I kept her cuffed 
behind her back for 22 hours it gets worse sorry I'm not doing this for sympathy.
I want people to understand the level of the deep state will go to keep things 
quiet I was exposing their operation one that they wanted so rest of us holding 
up the charges they said I was selling drugs now I was reporting will 
illegal drug sales with the help of several federal agents but they turned 
it around on me now I've had multiple US prosecutors and 
look at these yards look at the case they all agree is completely fabricated 
and is being addressed there were four agents involved directly with me at that 


tor in prison already okay ones on indictment and one clip so they 
know they're guilty we aren't but rest of us through in prison so I'm 
staying in a local jail and waiting because I'm half laughing to myself it's 
like where do you find out who I work for you idiot you know and I call and 
the people that I worked with for years saving lives in court cases on the 
record not only didn't help me but helped Obama rod resistance screwed me 
over and helped them they tried to bury me so put me in it gets worse wouldn't 
help this is one reason I don't like him wouldn't back me up a bit went with them 
but you know he got his promotion a no it didn't me he was the only US Attorney 
under Obama that kept his job and he was supposedly a Republican so I'm sure he's 
also turning other ways we'll get to it 


okay so I'm in there this is a local this is a county jail attorneys are in 
on it and ones facing disbarment because of it but at the time was this is 2009 
I put me in their unlocked away no food I was not being fed I had about 600 
calories a week I was getting regular interrogations I mean beating when they 
image you know that now this is all documented I have affidavits from the 
warden and the sheriff Wow so they would come out of these these 
feds would come up they wanted to know what I knew how exposed they were and 
any evidence I clicked because they knew that I documented it they threatened my 
wife he told me that if I don't give them stuff they're gonna lock her up for 
a year and they're gonna have a raped killed they did this over and over again 
maybe we wouldn't offence when the feds showed up they would take me up to a 
private area and leave me with them when I got out of that little four hour 
session I was in such bad shape this the guard the CEO did not want to sign for 
me back in his custody he complained to the board some warden said okay now we 
want somebody in the hallway so next time I showed up got me back up there 
they're doing the same thing even worse because I wanted to cooperate  


the guards sitting in the hallway he got physically 
ill listening to what was going on he told the warden warden says okay now we 
want a guard in the room so next time I show up this was like every other day 
next time you show up have a guard Co armed in the room at this time the word 
made them check their firearms just in case there's trouble so only the co was 
armed so they toned it they towed it way down because the guard was a witness and 
even that he got physically ill and stopped it after two hours and took me 
out of there that's how bad that was and that's how bad they were with him in the 
room the warden then barred them from entering his facility ever again and 
made a formal complaint to the sheriff they knew it was crap the warning went 
to the sheriff had tried to get me out by passing the judge on their own 
authority which they can actually do that's how bad this was so I got no food 
nothing it's worse then they couldn't come in but they could assign me out so 
if you actually look at the record which is all documented you'll see where they 
supposedly signed me out to take me to look at evidence take me here for an 
interrogation take me here for discussion and they're signing you no 
other facilities but and that's on the record 


but I never made it in his facilities it took me somewhere else I don't think 
it's a real word they call it internal rendition you know like extreme rendition 
this was an internal rendition so I lost 147 pounds in four and a half months I I 
was force-fed insecticide it was called dichlorvos she used to migratory it's I 
was force-fed a lot of stuff he sees all kinds of self ground glass this is why I 
have the damage to this day about eating I was force-fed dichlorvos wishes they 
sprayed on crops and migratory birds eat it and they bleed that they eats out 
their stomac