###################################### #Load the data setwd("E:\\Documents\\Entropy Loot") data=read.csv("EntropyLoot_v2.csv") boxplot(good.loot~ID.class,data, ylab="Number of Good Loops") #Perform the unpaired two-sample t test #Check assumptions #Are samples independent? #yes they were collected independently from raiding each week #Are data from each group normally distributed with(data, shapiro.test(good.loot[ID.class=="Jrueg"])) #p-val=0.32 #We don't reject Null = yes normally distributed with(data, shapiro.test(good.loot[ID.class=="Random"])) #p-val=0.85 #We don't reject Null = yes normally distributed #Do the two populations have the same variance? var.test(good.loot~ID.class, data = data) #p-val=0.25 ##We don't reject Null = yes equal variance our.test=t.test(good.loot~ID.class, data = data, var.equal = TRUE) our.test #p-val=0.18 = we fail to reject the null hypothesis #Other Stats #SD - standard deviation with(data, sd(good.loot[ID.class=="Jrueg"])) with(data, sd(good.loot[ID.class=="Random"]))