IMS-R8-2009-03 DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN --EXPORTS everything --IMPORTS --RecordType, IPAddress, ManagementExtensions, NodeAddress, LocalSequenceNumber, SubscriptionID, TimeStamp, ServiceContextID --FROM GenericChargingDataTypes {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi(0) mobileDomain (0) charging (5) genericChargingDataTypes (0) asn1Module (0) version1 (0)} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- IMS RECORDS -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMSRecord ::= CHOICE -- -- Record values 63-69, 82 are IMS specific, 101-150 for CS, 151-200 for ps, 201-250 for ims -- { sCSCFRecord [63] SCSCFRecord, pCSCFRecord [64] PCSCFRecord, iCSCFRecord [65] ICSCFRecord, mRFCRecord [66] MRFCRecord, mGCFRecord [67] MGCFRecord, bGCFRecord [68] BGCFRecord, aTSRecord [69] ATSRecord, iBCFRecord [82] IBCFRecord, vCCASRecord [201] VCCASRecord, vIDEOASRecord [202] VideoASRecord, aLUCTSRecord [203] ALUCTSRecord, mEDIAXRecord [204] MediaXRecord, aGCFRecord [205] AGCFRecord, cONFERENCEASRecord [206] ConferenceASRecord, rCSRecord [252] RCSRecord, sBCRecord [253] SBCRecord, cENTREXASRecord [254] CentrexASRecord } SCSCFRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, list-Of-Associated-URI [27] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, ims-3gpp-Session-Priority [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStampFraction [37] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStampFraction [38] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStampFraction [39] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, applicationServersInformation [40] SEQUENCE OF ApplicationServersInformation OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [41] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [42] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, --SCSCF extension duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, onlineChargingType [201] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL, origin-Callee-Party-Address [202] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, dialled-Party-Address [203] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, session-Priority [205] Session-Priority OPTIONAL, carrier-Identification-Code [206] GraphicString OPTIONAL, abnormal-Finish-Info [207] Abnormal-Finish-Info OPTIONAL, nP-Data [208] NP-Data OPTIONAL, refer-To [209] UTF8String OPTIONAL, target [210] UTF8String OPTIONAL, inner-error [265] INTEGER OPTIONAL, application-Servers-State [266] INTEGER OPTIONAL, list-of-application-Servers-Abnormal [267] SEQUENCE OF Application-Servers-Abnormal OPTIONAL, segment-Id [300] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, private-ConnectTime [424] Private-ConnectTime OPTIONAL } PCSCFRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, list-Of-Associated-URI [27] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, ims-3gpp-Session-Priority [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStampFraction [37] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStampFraction [38] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStampFraction [39] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, servedPartyIPAddress [50] ServedPartyIPAddress OPTIONAL, --PCSCF extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, session-Priority [205] Session-Priority OPTIONAL, abnormal-Finish-Info [207] Abnormal-Finish-Info OPTIONAL, refer-To [209] UTF8String OPTIONAL, target [210] UTF8String OPTIONAL, locationInformation [240] Location-Information OPTIONAL, recordExtensions1 [241] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions2 [242] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions3 [243] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, inner-error [265] INTEGER OPTIONAL, charge-Category [268] INTEGER OPTIONAL, onlineChargingType [244] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL --add by pkf38463 2011-01-22 DTS2010123003508 } ICSCFRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, list-Of-Associated-URI [27] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, ims-3gpp-Session-Priority [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, s-CSCF-Information [61] S-CSCF-Information OPTIONAL, --ICSCF extension list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, abnormal-Finish-Info [207] Abnormal-Finish-Info OPTIONAL } MRFCRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, applicationServersInformation [40] SEQUENCE OF ApplicationServersInformation OPTIONAL, service-Id [70] Service-Id OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [71] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [72] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, --MRFC extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, onlineChargingType [201] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL, origin-Callee-Party-Address [202] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, dialled-Party-Address [203] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, np-Route-Number [211] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, recordExtensions1 [241] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL } MGCFRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStampFraction [37] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStampFraction [38] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStampFraction [39] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, trunkGroupID [80] TrunkGroupID OPTIONAL, bearerService [81] TransmissionMedium OPTIONAL, --MGCF extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, abnormal-Finish-Info [207] Abnormal-Finish-Info OPTIONAL, additional-Calling-Party-Address [252] UTF8String OPTIONAL, nP-Query [801] NP-Query OPTIONAL, session-Priority [205] Session-Priority OPTIONAL, nP-Data [208] NP-Data OPTIONAL, chargingCategory [216] ChargingCategory OPTIONAL, call-property [222] INTEGER OPTIONAL, charged-party [156] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, ims-3gpp-Session-Priority [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL } BGCFRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, --BGCF extension duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL } IBCFRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, ims-3gpp-Session-Priority [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStampFraction [37] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStampFraction [38] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStampFraction [39] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, --IBCF extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, servedPartyIPAddress [50] ServedPartyIPAddress OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, session-Priority [205] Session-Priority OPTIONAL, carrier-Identification-Code [206] GraphicString OPTIONAL, abnormal-Finish-Info [207] Abnormal-Finish-Info OPTIONAL, nP-Data [208] NP-Data OPTIONAL, refer-To [209] UTF8String OPTIONAL, target [210] UTF8String OPTIONAL, np-Route-Number [211] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, recordExtensions1 [241] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions2 [242] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, trunkGroupID [243] TrunkGroupIBCF OPTIONAL, onlineChargingType [244] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL --add by pkf38463 2011-01-22 DTS2010123003508 } AGCFRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sCSCF-Bypass-State [204] INTEGER OPTIONAL, accounting-record-type [227] INTEGER OPTIONAL, charge-category [228] INTEGER OPTIONAL --AGCF extension } ATSRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStampFraction [37] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStampFraction [38] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStampFraction [39] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificInfo [100] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [101] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [102] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, alternateChargedPartyAddress [103] UTF8String OPTIONAL, initialIMS-Charging-Identifier [105] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, --ATS extension duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin-Callee-Party-Address [202] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, dialled-Party-Address [203] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, carrier-Identification-Code [206] GraphicString OPTIONAL, abnormal-Finish-Info [207] Abnormal-Finish-Info OPTIONAL, np-Route-Number [211] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, pbxaddress [212] GraphicString OPTIONAL , serviceIdentifier [213] SEQUENCE OF Service-Identifier OPTIONAL, diversionreason [214] DiversionReason OPTIONAL , diversioncount [215] INTEGER OPTIONAL, chargingCategory [216] ChargingCategory OPTIONAL, serverUserType [217] INTEGER OPTIONAL, privateNetworkIndication [218] INTEGER OPTIONAL, --C01 add related-call-reference [220] UTF8String OPTIONAL, vmsc-id [221] UTF8String OPTIONAL, call-property [222] INTEGER OPTIONAL, --TCOM add tariffPulses [226] INTEGER OPTIONAL, accounting-record-type [227] INTEGER OPTIONAL, --centrex add groupID [230] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, privateNumber [231] UTF8String OPTIONAL, vPNCallProperty [232] VPNCallProperty OPTIONAL, sDP-Media-Identifier [233] SDP-Media-Identifier OPTIONAL, rst-information [234] RST-Information OPTIONAL, msc-number [235] UTF8String OPTIONAL, vlr-number [236] UTF8String OPTIONAL, calling-User-Type [239] INTEGER OPTIONAL, --ote first-level-bill-group [250] INTEGER OPTIONAL, second-level-bill-group [251] INTEGER OPTIONAL, --chinacmc onlineChargingFlag [150] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL, call-description [152] Call-Description OPTIONAL, group-number [153] UTF8String OPTIONAL, short-number [154] UTF8String OPTIONAL, service-indetity-list [155] SEQUENCE OF Service-Indetity OPTIONAL, charged-party [156] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, --c03 osg-bill-indication [308] INTEGER OPTIONAL, subgroup-id [309] INTEGER OPTIONAL, servedPartyIPAddress [50] ServedPartyIPAddress OPTIONAL, --zhejiang 150NGN pstn-cdr-info [310] PSTN-CDR-Info OPTIONAL, visited-network-id [311] UTF8String OPTIONAL, --ims8 user-sip-uri [312] SEQUENCE OF User-SIP-URI OPTIONAL, mMTelInformation [110] MMTelInformation OPTIONAL, additional-Calling-Party-Address [252] UTF8String OPTIONAL, additional-Called-Party-Address [253] UTF8String OPTIONAL, restriction-Group-ID [254] INTEGER OPTIONAL, caller-Service-Identifier [255] INTEGER OPTIONAL, aCName [256] UTF8String OPTIONAL, sms-information [257] SMS-Information OPTIONAL, closed-User-Group-ID [258] UTF8String OPTIONAL, pBX-Pilot-Number [259] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-of-valueadded-service-identity [260] SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL, virtual-Caller-Number [270] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, charging-Label [271] UTF8String OPTIONAL, charging-Complaint [402] Charging-Complaint OPTIONAL, call-Watch-Flag [403] Call-Watch-Flag OPTIONAL, --for brazil gvt emulational-Service-Type [404] UTF8String OPTIONAL, user-to-User-Signalling1-Count [407] UTF8String OPTIONAL, calling-Party-Sub-Addressing [408] UTF8String OPTIONAL, called-Party-Sub-Addressing [409] UTF8String OPTIONAL, tADS-Indication [410] TADS-Indication OPTIONAL, calling-Party-Address-Generic [411] UTF8String OPTIONAL, qos-Statistics [412] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-IN-Information [413] SEQUENCE OF IN-Information OPTIONAL, session-Release-Mode [414] INTEGER OPTIONAL, --china telecom,tag from 501 to 600 user-Charging-Category [501] INTEGER OPTIONAL, ims-3gpp-Session-Priority [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, calling-Party-Name [415] UTF8String OPTIONAL, session-Priority [205] Session-Priority OPTIONAL, initial-Location [416] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Change-Of-Location [417] SEQUENCE OF Change-Of-Location OPTIONAL, private-User-Equipment-Info [418] Private-User-Equipment-Info OPTIONAL, private-MediaPartialRecordNumber [419] INTEGER OPTIONAL, user-Agent-Value [420] UTF8String OPTIONAL, private-BillType [421] INTEGER OPTIONAL, routing-Category [422] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, routing-Category-Ext [423] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, --china cmc calling-Party [301] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, iMSVisitedNetworkIdentifier [54] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, private-ConnectTime [424] Private-ConnectTime OPTIONAL } VCCASRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificInfo [100] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [101] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [102] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, alternateChargedPartyAddress [103] UTF8String OPTIONAL, --VCCAS(HOAS) extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, onlineChargingType [201] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL, dialled-Party-Address [203] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, abnormal-Finish-Info [207] Abnormal-Finish-Info OPTIONAL, serviceIdentifier [213] SEQUENCE OF Service-Identifier OPTIONAL, vcc-service-id [260] UTF8String OPTIONAL, caller-originating-domain [261] Caller-Originating-Domain OPTIONAL, cs-location [262] CS-Location OPTIONAL } VideoASRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificInfo [100] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [101] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [102] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, alternateChargedPartyAddress [103] UTF8String OPTIONAL, --VideoASRecord extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, serviceIdentifier [213] SEQUENCE OF Service-Identifier OPTIONAL, caller-info [270] Caller-Info OPTIONAL, callee-info [271] Callee-Info OPTIONAL, ad-information [272] AD-Information OPTIONAL, videogate-information [273] VideoGate-Information OPTIONAL, pushmessage-information [274] PushMessage-Information OPTIONAL, webonphone-information [275] WebOnPhone-Information OPTIONAL } ALUCTSRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificInfo [100] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [101] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [102] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, alternateChargedPartyAddress [103] UTF8String OPTIONAL, --ALUCTS extension duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, supplementary-Service-Info [280] SEQUENCE OF Supplementary-Service OPTIONAL, call-direction [281] ALU-Call-Direction OPTIONAL, call-type [282] ALU-Call-Type OPTIONAL, mobile-id [283] ALU-Mobile-ID OPTIONAL, ue-local-timezone-offset [284] UTF8String OPTIONAL, mac-id [285] UTF8String OPTIONAL, ain-information [286] AIN-Information OPTIONAL } MediaXRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificInfo [100] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [101] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [102] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, alternateChargedPartyAddress [103] UTF8String OPTIONAL, --MediaXRecord extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, bill-type [290] Bill-Type OPTIONAL, mediax-conference-information [291] MediaX-conference-Information OPTIONAL, mediax-user-information [292] MediaX-User-Information OPTIONAL, mediax-terminal-information [401] MediaX-Terminal-Information OPTIONAL, recordExtensions1 [241] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, mediaX-Online-Charging-Flag [402] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL, mediaX-Online-Charging-Duration [403] INTEGER OPTIONAL, mediaX-OCS-Failed-TimeStamp [404] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, applicationId [405] UTF8String OPTIONAL, call-Type [406] INTEGER OPTIONAL, credit-Flag [407] INTEGER OPTIONAL, attendee-MediaType [408] INTEGER OPTIONAL, cause-Record [409] INTEGER OPTIONAL } ConferenceASRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificInfo [100] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [101] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [102] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, alternateChargedPartyAddress [103] UTF8String OPTIONAL, --ConferenceAS extension privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, service-Id [70] Service-Id OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, serviceIdentifier [213] SEQUENCE OF Service-Identifier OPTIONAL, conferenceServerRole [300] Conference-Server-Role, conference-id [301] UTF8String OPTIONAL, conferenceSessionInformation [302] SEQUENCE OF Conference-Session-Information OPTIONAL, streamExchangeUpLink [303] Stream-Exchange OPTIONAL, streamExchangeDownLink [304] Stream-Exchange OPTIONAL, operate [305] Operate OPTIONAL, operated [306] Operated OPTIONAL, deliveryCode [307] Delivery-Code OPTIONAL } CentrexASRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List-Centrex OPTIONAL, gGSNaddress [22] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, list-Of-Message-Bodies [24] SEQUENCE OF MessageBody OPTIONAL, recordExtensions [25] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, expiresInformation [26] INTEGER OPTIONAL, event [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, list-of-subscription-ID [31] SEQUENCE OF SubscriptionID OPTIONAL, list-Of-Early-SDP-Media-Components [32] SEQUENCE OF Early-Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, iMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier [33] IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier OPTIONAL, numberPortabilityRouting [34] NumberPortabilityRouting OPTIONAL, carrierSelectRouting [35] CarrierSelectRouting OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificInfo [100] SEQUENCE OF ServiceSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, requested-Party-Address [101] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-Asserted-Identity [102] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, alternateChargedPartyAddress [103] UTF8String OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, --chinacmc onlineChargingFlag [150] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL, call-description [152] Call-Description OPTIONAL, group-number [153] UTF8String OPTIONAL, short-number [154] UTF8String OPTIONAL, service-indetity-list [155] SEQUENCE OF Service-Indetity OPTIONAL, charged-party [156] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, subscriber-Identity [201] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, calling-party-subgroup-number [202] UTF8String OPTIONAL, called-party-subgroup-number [203] UTF8String OPTIONAL, calling-Party [204] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL } SBCRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, list-Of-SDP-Media-Components [21] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStampFraction [37] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStampFraction [38] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStampFraction [39] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, servedPartyIPAddress [50] ServedPartyIPAddress OPTIONAL, --SBC extension duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, origin-Realm [266] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, destination-Realm [267] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ringing-Duration [204] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, trunkGroupID [243] TrunkGroupIBCF OPTIONAL, --For extension recordExtensions-0 [280] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-1 [281] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-2 [282] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-3 [283] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-4 [284] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-5 [285] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-6 [286] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-7 [287] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-8 [288] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-9 [289] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-10 [290] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL } RCSRecord ::= SET { recordType [0] RecordType OPTIONAL, retransmission [1] NULL OPTIONAL, sIP-Method [2] SIP-Method OPTIONAL, role-of-Node [3] Role-of-Node OPTIONAL, nodeAddress [4] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, session-Id [5] Session-Id OPTIONAL, list-Of-Calling-Party-Address [6] ListOfInvolvedParties OPTIONAL, called-Party-Address [7] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, privateUserID [8] GraphicString OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStamp [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStamp [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStamp [11] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordOpeningTime [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, recordClosureTime [13] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, interOperatorIdentifiers [14] InterOperatorIdentifierlist OPTIONAL, localRecordSequenceNumber [15] LocalSequenceNumber OPTIONAL, recordSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, causeForRecordClosing [17] CauseForRecordClosing OPTIONAL, incomplete-CDR-Indication [18] Incomplete-CDR-Indication OPTIONAL, iMS-Charging-Identifier [19] IMS-Charging-Identifier OPTIONAL, serviceReasonReturnCode [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [29] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, serviceContextID [30] ServiceContextID OPTIONAL, serviceRequestTimeStampFraction [37] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryStartTimeStampFraction [38] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, serviceDeliveryEndTimeStampFraction [39] Milliseconds OPTIONAL, onlineChargingFlag [150] Online-Charging-Type OPTIONAL, duration [200] INTEGER OPTIONAL, serviceIdentifier [213] SEQUENCE OF Service-Identifier OPTIONAL, related-call-reference [220] UTF8String OPTIONAL, rcs-Message-Id [280] UTF8String OPTIONAL, message-Source [281] INTEGER OPTIONAL, called-Sum [282] INTEGER OPTIONAL, list-Of-Called-User [283] SEQUENCE OF Called-User OPTIONAL, message-Length [284] INTEGER OPTIONAL, file-Name [285] UTF8String OPTIONAL, accountingInputOctets [286] UnsignedInter64 OPTIONAL, accountingOutputOctets [287] UnsignedInter64 OPTIONAL, accountingInputPackets [288] UnsignedInter64 OPTIONAL, accountingOutputPackets [289] UnsignedInter64 OPTIONAL, user-Agent-Value [290] UTF8String OPTIONAL, organization-Id [291] UTF8String OPTIONAL, --rcsextren extension recordExtensions-12 [292] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL, recordExtensions-13 [293] ManagementExtensions OPTIONAL } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Generic Data Types -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RecordType ::= INTEGER { sCSCFRecord (63), pCSCFRecord (64), iCSCFRecord (65), mRFCRecord (66), mGCFRecord (67), bGCFRecord (68), aTSRecord (69), eCSCFRecord (70), iBCFRecord (82), vCCASRecord (201), vIDEOASRecord (202), aLUCTSRecord (203), mEDIAXRecord (204), aGCFRecord (205), cONFERENCEASRecord (206), rCSRecord (252), sBCRecord (253), cENTREXASRecord (254) } NodeAddress ::= CHOICE { iPAddress [0] IPAddress, domainName [1] GraphicString } IPAddress ::= CHOICE { iPBinaryAddress IPBinaryAddress, iPTextRepresentedAddress IPTextRepresentedAddress } IPBinaryAddress ::= CHOICE { iPBinV4Address [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)), iPBinV6Address [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) } IPTextRepresentedAddress ::= CHOICE { -- -- IP address in the familiar "dot" notation -- iPTextV4Address [2] IA5String (SIZE(7..15)), iPTextV6Address [3] IA5String (SIZE(15..45)) } TimeStamp ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(9)) -- -- The contents of this field are a compact form of the UTCTime format -- containing local time plus an offset to universal time. Binary coded -- decimal encoding is employed for the digits to reduce the storage and -- transmission overhead -- e.g. YYMMDDhhmmssShhmm -- where -- YY = Year 00 to 99 BCD encoded -- MM = Month 01 to 12 BCD encoded -- DD = Day 01 to 31 BCD encoded -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- ss = second 00 to 59 BCD encoded -- S = Sign 0 = "+", "-" ASCII encoded -- hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -- mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded LocalSequenceNumber ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- -- Sequence number of the record in this node -- 0.. 4294967295 is equivalent to 0..2**32-1, unsigned integer in four octets UnsignedInter32 ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) UnsignedInter64 ::= INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615) ServiceContextID ::= UTF8String Service-Identifier ::= INTEGER Service-Indetity ::= INTEGER SubscriptionID ::= SET { subscriptionIDType [0] SubscriptionIDType OPTIONAL, subscriptionIDData [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL } SubscriptionIDType ::= ENUMERATED { eND-USER-E164 (0), eND-USER-IMSI (1), eND-USER-SIP-URI (2), eND-USER-NAI (3), eND-USER-PRIVATE (4) } ManagementExtensions ::= SET OF ManagementExtension ManagementExtension ::= SET { -- ... -- operator specific record extensions -- ... } --ManagementExtensions ::= SET --{ --} S-CSCF-Information ::= SEQUENCE { mandatoryCapabilities [0] SEQUENCE OF GraphicString OPTIONAL, optionalCapabilities [1] SEQUENCE OF GraphicString OPTIONAL, serverName [2] GraphicString OPTIONAL } ServiceSpecificInfo ::= SEQUENCE { serviceSpecificData [0] GraphicString OPTIONAL, serviceSpecificType [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- IMS DATA TYPES -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AccessCorrelationID ::= CHOICE { gPRS-Charging-Id [2] INTEGER, accessNetworkChargingIdentifier [4] GraphicString } ACRInterimLost ::= ENUMERATED { no (0), yes (1), unknown (2) } ApplicationServersInformation ::= SEQUENCE { applicationServersInvolved [0] NodeAddress OPTIONAL, applicationProvidedCalledParties [1] SEQUENCE OF InvolvedParty OPTIONAL } CarrierSelectRouting ::= GraphicString CauseForRecordClosing ::= ENUMERATED { serviceDeliveryEndSuccessfully (0), unSuccessfulServiceDelivery (1), timeLimit (3), serviceChange (4), -- e.g. change in media due to Re-Invite managementIntervention (5), -- partial record generation reasons to be added -- Additional codes are for further study maxChangeCond (6) } Early-Media-Components-List ::= SEQUENCE { sDP-Offer-Timestamp [0] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, sDP-Answer-Timestamp [1] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, sDP-Media-Components [2] SEQUENCE OF SDP-Media-Component OPTIONAL, mediaInitiatorFlag [3] NULL OPTIONAL, sDP-Session-Description [4] SEQUENCE OF GraphicString OPTIONAL } IMS-Charging-Identifier ::= OCTET STRING IMSCommunicationServiceIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING Incomplete-CDR-Indication ::= SET { aCRStartLost [0] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- TRUE if ACR[Start] was lost, FALSE otherwise aCRInterimLost [1] ACRInterimLost OPTIONAL, aCRStopLost [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL -- TRUE if ACR[Stop] was lost, FALSE otherwise } InterOperatorIdentifierlist ::= SEQUENCE OF InterOperatorIdentifiers InterOperatorIdentifiers ::= SEQUENCE { originatingIOI[0] GraphicString OPTIONAL, terminatingIOI[1] GraphicString OPTIONAL } InvolvedParty ::= CHOICE { sIP-URI[0] GraphicString, -- refer to rfc3261 tEL-URI[1] GraphicString -- refer to rfc3966 } --Editor's note: the constructs below are imported from the generic module ListOfInvolvedParties ::= SEQUENCE OF InvolvedParty Media-Components-List ::= SEQUENCE { sIP-Request-Timestamp [0] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, sIP-Response-Timestamp [1] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, sDP-Media-Components [2] SEQUENCE OF SDP-Media-Component OPTIONAL, mediaInitiatorFlag [3] NULL OPTIONAL, sDP-Session-Description [4] SEQUENCE OF GraphicString OPTIONAL, mediaInitiatorParty [5] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, sIP-Request-Timestamp-Fraction [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sIP-Response-Timestamp-Fraction [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sDP-Type [8] SDP-Type OPTIONAL --- MediaInitiatorParty is used to identify the initiator of the media --- multi-participants session e.g. in AS PoC Server } SDP-Type ::= ENUMERATED { sDP-offer (0), sDP-answer (1) } Media-Components-List-Centrex ::= SEQUENCE { sIP-Request-Timestamp [0] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, sIP-Response-Timestamp [1] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, sDP-Media-Components [2] SEQUENCE OF SDP-Media-Component OPTIONAL, mediaInitiatorFlag [3] NULL OPTIONAL, sDP-Session-Description [4] SEQUENCE OF GraphicString OPTIONAL, sDP-Type [5] SDP-Type OPTIONAL --for CMCC } MessageBody ::= SEQUENCE { content-Type [0] GraphicString OPTIONAL, content-Disposition [1] GraphicString OPTIONAL, content-Length [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, originator [3] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL } NumberPortabilityRouting ::= GraphicString Role-of-Node ::= INTEGER SDP-Media-Component ::= SEQUENCE { sDP-Media-Name [0] GraphicString OPTIONAL, sDP-Media-Descriptions [1] SDP-Media-Description OPTIONAL, accessCorrelationID AccessCorrelationID OPTIONAL, -- not used in MGCF and BGCF -- [2] is used by gPRS-Charging-Id -- [4] is used by accessNetworkChargingIdentifier authorized-QoS [3] GraphicString OPTIONAL } SDP-Media-Description ::= SEQUENCE OF GraphicString ServedPartyIPAddress ::= IPAddress Service-Id ::= GraphicString Session-Id ::= GraphicString -- -- rfc3261 [110]: example for SIP Call-ID: -- SIP-Method ::= GraphicString TransmissionMedium ::= SEQUENCE { tMR [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, -- required TM, refer to ITU-T Q.763 tMU [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL -- used TM, refer to ITU-T Q.763 } TrunkGroupID ::= CHOICE { incoming [0] GraphicString, outgoing [1] GraphicString } Online-Charging-Type ::= ENUMERATED { notonlineservice (0), onlineservice (1), abnormalonlineservice (2) } Session-Priority ::= INTEGER Abnormal-Finish-Info ::= SEQUENCE { abnormalFinishWarning [0] GraphicString OPTIONAL, abnormalFinishReason [1] GraphicString OPTIONAL } NP-Data ::= SET { location-routing-number [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, lrn-source-indicator [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, lrn-query-status [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL } Location-Information ::= GraphicString NP-Query ::= INTEGER --ALUÌØÓÐ Supplementary-Service ::= SEQUENCE { service-type [0] Service-Type OPTIONAL, action [1] Supp-Action OPTIONAL, supp-service-mode [2] Supp-Service-Mode OPTIONAL, supp-service-id [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, associated-number [4] UTF8String OPTIONAL, supp-start-time [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, supp-stop-time [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, name-space [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, precedence-level [8] Precedence-Level OPTIONAL } Service-Type ::= ENUMERATED { acb (1), ar (2), sca (3), trans (4), cfd (5), sim (6), n-way (7), rbwf (8), cot (9), park (10), pickup (11), auth (12), account-code (13), flixd (14), seq (15), cps (16), mrb (17), moh (18), sp2 (19), mlpp (20) } Supp-Service-Mode ::= ENUMERATED { cfu (1), cfb (2), cfda (3), cfuu (4), cfs (5), cfsr (6), cfl (7), ctb (8), ctc (9), ctfnway (10), ctlu (11), other (12), cpp (13), cpr (14), cph (15), cpupu (16), cpudpu (17), cpubi (18), nway3 (19), nway4 (20), nway5 (21), nway6 (22), cfsr23 (23), cfude24 (24) } Supp-Action ::= ENUMERATED { activation (1), deactivation (2), interrogation (3), cancellation (4) } Precedence-Level ::= ENUMERATED { none (0), routine (1), priority (2), immediate (3), flash (4), flash-override (5), flash-override-or (6) } ALU-Call-Direction ::= ENUMERATED { origination (0), termination (1) } ALU-Call-Type ::= ENUMERATED { inter-lata-call (0), intra-lata-call (1), local-call (2), emergency-type1 (3), local-operator-call (4), long-distance-oc (5), intl-operator-assist (6), international-oc (7), fgd (8), fgb (9), direct-international (10), national (11), nll (12), toll-free (13), directory-assistance (14), surcharge-applies (15), cbfa1 (16), cbfa2 (17), cbfa3 (18), emergency-type2 (19), emergency-type3 (20), emergency-type4 (21), emergency-type5 (22), pdp-intercom (23), invalid-dest (24), idddcarrier (25), nocarrier (26), nodialedcarrier (27), calltypea (28), calltypeb (29) } ALU-Mobile-ID ::= SET { calling-imsi [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, calling-min [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, called-imsi [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, called-min [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL } AIN-Information ::= SET { amaslpid [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL } --VideoASÌØÓÐ Caller-Info ::= SET { caller-short-number [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, caller-group-id [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, caller-type [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL } Callee-Info ::= SET { callee-short-number [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, callee-group-id [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, callee-type [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL } AD-Information ::= SET { id-of-play [0] INTEGER OPTIONAL, type-of-charging [1] Type-Of-Charging OPTIONAL, level [2] Level OPTIONAL, strategy-of-play [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL } VideoGate-Information ::= SET { operation-successflag [0] Operation-SuccessFlag OPTIONAL } PushMessage-Information ::= SET { content-provider-id [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, message-type [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, times-of-push [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, push-successflag [3] Push-SuccessFlag OPTIONAL } WebOnPhone-Information ::= SET { web-num [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, web-type [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, web-address [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL } Type-Of-Charging ::= ENUMERATED { free-ad (0), charging-ad (1) } Level ::= ENUMERATED { level-1 (1), level-2 (2), level-3 (3), level-4 (4), level-5 (5) } Operation-SuccessFlag ::= ENUMERATED { open-door-success (0), open-door-fail (1) } Push-SuccessFlag ::= ENUMERATED { push-success (0), push-fail (1) } --MediaX AS proprietary Bill-Type ::= ENUMERATED { accessCDR (1), conferenceCDR (2), recordingListenCDR (3), schedulingCDR (5), cancellationCDR (6), modificationCDR (7), callSetCDR (8), extensionCDR (9), dataconferncecdr (10), recordingCDR (11), meetingCDR (12), smsCDR (13), ordercdr (15), qosCDR (16), conferenceFailCDR (17), callSetFailCDR (18), meetingFailCDR (19) } MediaX-conference-Information ::= SET { meeting-id [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, access-phone [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, meeting-frequency [2] Meeting-Frequency OPTIONAL, meeting-mode [3] Meeting-Mode OPTIONAL, service-mode [4] Service-Mode OPTIONAL, order-start-time [5] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, order-end-time [6] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, order-party [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, media-type [8] MediaX-Type OPTIONAL, modified-start-time [9] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, modified-end-time [10] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, modified-party [11] INTEGER OPTIONAL, operation-time [12] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, multiPic-Resource [13] INTEGER OPTIONAL, adapter-Resource [14] INTEGER OPTIONAL, bandwidth-Resource [15] INTEGER OPTIONAL, videoPort-Resource [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, audioPort-Resource [17] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-MultiPic-Resource [18] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-Adapter-Resource [19] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-Bandwidth-Resource [20] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-VideoPort-Resource [21] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-AudioPort-Resource [22] INTEGER OPTIONAL, telepresence-party [23] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-telepresence-party [24] INTEGER OPTIONAL, created-time [25] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, closed-time [26] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, closed-code [27] Closed-Code OPTIONAL, current-party [28] INTEGER OPTIONAL, current-data-party [29] INTEGER OPTIONAL, current-telepresence-party [30] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sub-meetingID [31] UTF8String OPTIONAL, up-CascadePorts [32] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-Up-CascadePorts [33] INTEGER OPTIONAL, down-CascadePorts [34] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-Down-CascadePorts [35] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sMS-Notify-Type [36] INTEGER OPTIONAL, sMS-Notify-Amount [37] INTEGER OPTIONAL, recording-Resource [38] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-Recording-Resource [39] INTEGER OPTIONAL, mediaEncrypt-Mode [40] INTEGER OPTIONAL, modified-MediaEncrypt-Mode [41] INTEGER OPTIONAL, main-Meeting-ID [42] UTF8String OPTIONAL, modified-media-type [43] MediaX-Type OPTIONAL, conference-CdrType [44] INTEGER OPTIONAL } MediaX-User-Information ::= SET { pay-account [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL, organization-id [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, user-id [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, call-id [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, port-type [4] Port-Type OPTIONAL, end-code [5] End-Code OPTIONAL, group-id [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, user-category [18] User-Category OPTIONAL, list-Of-Logic-Resource [19] SEQUENCE OF Logic-Resource OPTIONAL, qos-Statistics [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, organization-OrderID [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL, user-ServiceType [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, order-OwnerType [10] INTEGER OPTIONAL } MediaX-Terminal-Information ::= SET { terminal-type [0] Terminal-Type OPTIONAL, screen-number [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, main-screen [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, main-screen-entrance-type [3] Main-Screen-Entrance-Type OPTIONAL } Logic-Resource ::= SEQUENCE { port-media-type [20] Port-Media-Type OPTIONAL, port-count [21] INTEGER OPTIONAL } Closed-Code ::= INTEGER Terminal-Type ::= INTEGER Main-Screen-Entrance-Type ::= INTEGER MediaX-Type ::= INTEGER Meeting-Frequency ::= INTEGER Meeting-Mode ::= INTEGER Service-Mode ::= INTEGER Port-Type ::= INTEGER End-Code ::= INTEGER User-Category ::=ENUMERATED { user-uc (1), user-m-meeting (2), user-room (3), user-undefined (256) } Port-Media-Type ::=ENUMERATED { port-audio (1), port-sd-video (2), port-hd-video-2m (3), port-hd-video-4m (4) } DiversionReason ::= INTEGER ChargingCategory ::= ENUMERATED { normal-user (0), free-user (1), charge-prepaid (2), charge-called (3) } Caller-Originating-Domain ::= ENUMERATED { ims (0), cs (1) } CS-Location ::= UTF8String --ATS proprietary User-SIP-URI ::= UTF8String Application-Servers-Abnormal ::= UTF8String Service-Context-Id ::= GraphicString Message-Feature-ID ::= INTEGER ListOfSDPMediaComponents ::= SEQUENCE { listOfSDPMediaComponent [0] SEQUENCE OF Media-Components-List-Centrex-test } Media-Components-List-Centrex-test ::= Media-Components-List-Centrex VPNCallProperty ::= ENUMERATED { onnet (0), offnet (1), virtual-onnet (2), forced-onnet (3), emergency-offnet (4) } SDP-Media-Identifier ::= ENUMERATED { voiceCall (0), videoCall (1), fax (2), cSD (3), pABX (4), text (5) } RST-Information ::= SET { server-Role [0] RST-Server-Role OPTIONAL, session-Type [1] RST-Session-Type OPTIONAL, rST-Subscriber-ID [2] RST-Subscriber-ID OPTIONAL } RST-Server-Role ::= INTEGER RST-Session-Type ::= INTEGER RST-Subscriber-ID ::= UTF8String Call-Description ::= ENUMERATED { in-group (1), in-union-Group (2), in-inter-province-Group (3), out-group (4), operator-call (5), a6 (6), a7 (7), a8 (8), a9 (9), a10 (10), a11 (11), a12 (12), a13 (13), a14 (14), a15 (15), a16 (16), a17 (17), a18 (18), a19 (19), a20 (20) } PSTN-CDR-Info ::= SET { calling-local-dn-set [0] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, calling-party-number-type [1] Call-Party-Number-Type OPTIONAL, called-local-dn-set [2] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, called-party-number-type [3] Call-Party-Number-Type OPTIONAL, calling-party-category [4] Calling-Party-Category OPTIONAL } Call-Party-Number-Type ::= ENUMERATED { subscriber-number (0), reserved (1), national-number (2), international-number (3) } Calling-Party-Category ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0), operator-french (1), operator-english (2), operator-german (3), operator-russian (4), operator-spanish (5), operator-particular-language1-by-mutual-agreement (6), operator-particular-language2-by-mutual-agreement (7), operator-particular-language3-by-mutual-agreement (8), operator-without-trunk-offering-facility (9), ordinary (10), priority (11), data (12), test (13), payphone (15), prison (16), local-Brazil (224), customized-operator (226), customized-IN-platform (232) } SMS-Information ::=SET { sms-node [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, smsc-address [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, originator-sccp-address [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, message-reference [4] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, vmsc-address [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, sms-result [6] SMS-Result OPTIONAL, map-fail-cause [7] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, maximum-of-concatenated-sms [8] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, concatenated-sms-reference-number [9] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL, sequence-number-of-current-sms [10] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL } SMS-Result ::= ENUMERATED { success (0), failure (1) } --conferenceAS proprietary Delivery-Code ::= INTEGER Operate ::= SET { numberToOperate [0] Number-to-Operate OPTIONAL, impu [1] SEQUENCE OF IMPU OPTIONAL } Operated ::= SET { numberOfOperated [0] Number-of-Operated OPTIONAL, impu [1] SEQUENCE OF IMPU OPTIONAL } Number-to-Operate ::= INTEGER Number-of-Operated ::= INTEGER IMPU ::= GraphicString Stream-Exchange ::= SEQUENCE { streamType [0] Stream-Type OPTIONAL, direction [1] Direction OPTIONAL, number [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, duration [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, volume [4] Volume OPTIONAL } Stream-Type ::= ENUMERATED { message (1), audio (2), video (3) } Direction ::= ENUMERATED { uPLINK (0), dOWNLINK (1) } Volume ::= SET { lowValue [0] INTEGER OPTIONAL, highValue [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL } Conference-Session-Information ::= SEQUENCE { startTimestamp [0] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, duration [1] Duration OPTIONAL, conferenceSessionType [2] Conference-Session-Type OPTIONAL, numberOfParticipants [3] Number-Of-Participants OPTIONAL, participant [4] SEQUENCE OF Participant OPTIONAL, streamExchangeUpLink [5] Stream-Exchange OPTIONAL, streamExchangeDownLink [6] Stream-Exchange OPTIONAL } Duration ::= INTEGER Conference-Session-Type ::= ENUMERATED { ad-hoc (0), pre-arranged (1) } Number-Of-Participants ::= INTEGER Participant ::= SEQUENCE { impu [0] IMPU, callInOut [1] Call-In-Out } Conference-Server-Role ::= ENUMERATED { controller (0), participant (1) } Call-In-Out ::= ENUMERATED { callout (0), callin (1) } MMTelInformation ::= SET { listOfSupplServices [0] SEQUENCE OF SupplService OPTIONAL, subscriberRole [1] SubscriberRole OPTIONAL } SupplService ::= SET { serviceType [0] ServiceType OPTIONAL, serviceMode [1] ServiceMode OPTIONAL, numberOfDiversions [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, associated-Party-Address [3] InvolvedParty OPTIONAL, serviceId [4] Service-Id OPTIONAL, changeTime [5] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, numberOfParticipants [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, participantActionType [7] ParticipantActionType OPTIONAL } ServiceType ::= INTEGER { oIPresentation (0), oIRestriction (1), tIPresentation (2), tIRestriction (3), hOLD (4), cBarring (5), cDIVersion (6), cDIVersionNotif (7), cWaiting (8), mWaitingIndic (9), cONF (10), fA (11), cCBS (12), cCNR (13), mCID (14), cAT (15), aoC (19) } ServiceMode ::= INTEGER { cFunCond (0), cFbusy (1), cFnoReply (2), cFnotLogged (3), deflection (4), notReach (5), iCBarring (6), oCBarring (7), aCRejection (8), eCTBlind (9), eCTConsultative (10), threeParty (11), aoC-S (12), aoC-D (13), aoC-E (14) } SubscriberRole ::= ENUMERATED { originating (0), terminating (1) } ParticipantActionType ::= ENUMERATED { cREATE-CONF (0), jOIN-CONF (1), iNVITED-INTO-CONF (2), qUIT-CONF (3) } TrunkGroupIBCF ::= SEQUENCE { incoming [0] GraphicString OPTIONAL, outgoing [1] GraphicString OPTIONAL } Milliseconds ::= INTEGER (0..999) Charging-Complaint ::= ENUMERATED { nO (0), yES (1) } Call-Watch-Flag ::= ENUMERATED { nO (0), yES (1) } TADS-Indication ::= ENUMERATED { cS (0), lTE (1) } IN-Information ::= SEQUENCE { service-Key [0] INTEGER OPTIONAL, call-Reference-Number [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, fci-Free-Format-Data [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, fci-Free-Format-Data-Manner [3] Fci-Free-Format-Data-Manner OPTIONAL, default-Call-Handling [4] Default-Call-Handling OPTIONAL, scf-address [5] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, iN-Generic-Number [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, level-Of-Camel-Service [7] Level-Of-Camel-Service OPTIONAL, charge-Class [8] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL } Level-Of-Camel-Service ::= BIT STRING { basic(0), call-duration-supervision(1), online-charging(2), call-party-handling(3), tc-end(4) } Fci-Free-Format-Data-Manner ::= ENUMERATED { oVERWRITE (0), aPPEND (1) } Default-Call-Handling ::= ENUMERATED { cONTINUE (0), rELEASE (1) } Called-User ::= UTF8String Change-Of-Location ::= SEQUENCE { location-Info [0] UTF8String OPTIONAL } Private-User-Equipment-Info ::= SEQUENCE { private-User-Equipment-Info-Type [0] Private-User-Equipment-Info-Type OPTIONAL, private-User-Equipment-Info-Value [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } Private-User-Equipment-Info-Type ::= ENUMERATED { iMEI (0) } Private-ConnectTime ::= SET { connectTime [0] TimeStamp OPTIONAL, connectTimeFraction [1] UnsignedInter32 OPTIONAL } END